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One of Tom's greatest qualities is his ability to sift through all the noise in his client's head and focus on the strategy that will move his client forward efficiently and effectively. He helps develop a plan that will work for what someone wants to accomplish, but he has the insightful ability to also know what is needed, and he brings that to light for the client as well.
I asked Tom how he solves so many problems, because I was amazed at how he finds solutions in a variety of industries and business settings. He responded that it is not he who solves the problem - instead, his role is to help business leaders 'think with clarity' – which enables them to solve their own problems. And that is indeed what he has done for me. Tom excels at talking you through your business situation, finding the 360 view, filtering out irrelevant details and distractions, and helping you focus on what really matters. And sure enough, his process leads to solutions.
 News Archive
SEP 14 Added videos describing key strategy and competitive intelligence issues
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AUG 28 Announced new Competitive Intelligence workshop for companies and workgroups
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JUL 31 Posted white paper describing CI challenges for small-to-medium size businesses
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JUL 27 Published July issue of Strategically Thinking Newsletter
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JUN 28 Published June issue of Strategically Thinking Newsletter
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JUN 16 Posted presentation given to CEO Netweavers group describing CI fundamentals
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MAR 23 Reported results of Competitive Intelligence Applications Survey.
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FEB 25 Posted video presentation for effective Gaps Analysis process
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FEB 18 First of three part Competitive Intelligence case study published in CI Magazine (6 Days...)
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FEB 5 CI CasesLaunched Competitive Intelligence Case Studies website and blog. Click here to go to the new site.
JAN 17 Completed and posted a report summarizing the results from the 2010 Strategy Survey. Received and analyzed responses from fourteen organizations. Results summarized here.
DEC 28 Announced a new description of services offered by JTHawes Consulting. Note focus on eighteen critical business and competitive strategy questions from senior management. Read more here.
NOV 30 Posted Competitive Intelligence Podcast interview conducted by August Jackson. One hour interview covers multiple business and competitive strategy issues. Download mp3 file here.
NOV 30 Published the Strategically Thinking newsletter that described strategy conversations and presentations given during the month. Continued One Hour Challenge. Click here to read issue.
NOV 19 Posted slides for webinar given to Project Management Institute working group covering business and competitive strategy. Slides can be downloaded here.
OCT 30 Published the Strategically Thinking newsletter that announced publication of "Notes To" series. Also instituted One Hour Challenge to demonstrate quick value to stratgey leaders. Click here to read issue.
OCT 15 Published Competitive Intelligence Notes series. Each of 7 articles described the important competitive intelligence issues for a specific role in the organization. Click here to download PDF.
SEP 30 Published the Strategically Thinking newsletter that announced new website design and blog for JTHawes Consulting. Significant content available to help with strategy questions. Click here to read issue.
SEP 15 Published "The Human Side of Competitive Intelligence" in one paper. Series covered sixteen steps to establish effective competitive intelligence in an organization. Click here to download PDF.
JUL 30 Published the Strategically Thinking newsletter that announced Competitive Intelligence Diagnostic Tool for organization. Click here to read issue.
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